Thursday, February 4, 2010

Francis Lucille on Meditation

Francis Lucille on Meditation

You are stressed out, you are right in your beliefs goals but the life around you is so difficult. What can you do? Is there a simple way, no doctors, no medication, no counselors or any unsolicited advise?

Yes there is , not too far as close as your breath. Don't look for answers outside of you by thoughts, memories and the attitude of I am right and you/world are/is against me etc.. The answer is your body, what is in it are aware of the body? A uncontaminated observation of the body sensations? Am I the body? If so, I have all these problems. When I am extremely happy I am not even aware of my body. So is it possible to explore by myself?

How can I perceive in a sensory fashion that I am not the body?

We all experience moments of happiness which are accompanied by a perception of expansion and relaxation.

Before this body perception, we were in a state of timelessness, an unadulterated, causeless joy, of which the physical sensation was simply the ultimate consequence. This joy perceives itself.

At that moment, we were not a limited body in space, not a person. We knew ourselves in
the immediacy of the moment.

We all know this felicity without cause. When we explore deeply what we call our body, we discover
that its very substance is this joy.

We no longer have the need nor the taste nor even the possibility of finding happiness in external objects.

How is this deep exploration accomplished? Don’t reject the body sensations and emotions that present
themselves to you.
Let them blossom fully in your awareness without any goal or any interference from the will. Progressively, the potential energy imprisoned in muscular tensions liberates itself; the
dynamism of the psychosomatic structure exhausts itself; and the return to fundamental stability takes place.

This purification of body sensation is a great art. It requires patience, determination, and courage. It finds its expression at the level of sensation through a gradual expansion of the body into the surrounding space, and a simultaneous penetration of the somatic structure by that space. That
space is not experienced as a simple absence of objects.

When the attention frees itself from perceptions that hold it in thrall, it discovers itself as that self-luminous space which is the true substance of the body.

At this moment, the duality between body and space is abolished. The body is expanded to the size of the universe and contains all things tangible and intangible in its heart. Nothing is external to it. We all have this body of joy, this awakened body, this body of universal welcoming. We are all complete, with no missing parts. Just explore your kingdom and take possession of it knowingly. Do not live any longer in that wretched shack of a limited body.

Selfless Action-Karma Yoga

Question: Is the path of selfless action open to a student still subjected to ignorance?

"The answer is no, whenever the student is subjected to ignorance. The good news however is that a truth seeker is not always under the spell of identification. There are moments when he is open to the possibility that his very consciousness is not personal and limited, but universal and divine. In these moments, he can choose to act from this new perspective. Such an action is karma yoga. Because of his openness, he is a jnani in these moments, since he takes his stand as impersonal Presence. That explains why Ramana has said that only a jnani can be a karmic yogi."
Francis Lucille

Thursday, January 28, 2010

francis Lucillle on Meditation

Don’t reject the body sensations and emotions that present
themselves to you. Let them blossom fully in your awareness without
any goal or any interference from the will. Progressively, the potential
energy imprisoned in muscular tensions liberates itself; the
dynamism of the psychosomatic structure exhausts itself; and the
return to fundamental stability takes place. This purification of body
sensation is a great art. It requires patience, determination, and
courage. It finds its expression at the level of sensation through a
gradual expansion of the body into the surrounding space, and a
simultaneous penetration of the somatic structure by that space. That
space is not experienced as a simple absence of objects. When the
attention frees itself from perceptions that hold it in thrall, it
discovers itself as that self-luminous space which is the true substance
of the body. At this moment, the duality between body and space is
abolished. The body is expanded to the size of the universe and
contains all things tangible and intangible in its heart. Nothing is
external to it. We all have this body of joy, this awakened body, this
body of universal welcoming. We are all complete, with no missing
parts. Just explore your kingdom and take possession of it knowingly.
Do not live any longer in that wretched shack of a limited body.

Happiness is inside you

# Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. Ramana Maharshi

Ramana on silent teaching

Teaching in Words and Silence - Sri Ranama Maharshi

On a Shivaratri day, after dinner, Bhagavan was reclining on the sofa surrounded by many devotees. A Sadhu suggested that, since this was a most auspicious night, the meaning of the verse in praise of Dakshinamurti should be made clear. Bhagavan gave his approval and all were eagerly waiting for him to say something. He simply sat, gazing at us. We were gradually absorbed in ever deepening silence, which was not disturbed by the clock striking the hour, every hour, until 4 a.m. None moved or talked. Time and space ceased to exist. Bhagavan’s grace kept us at peace and silence for seven hours. In this silence, Bhagavan taught us the Ultimate, like Dakshinamurti. At the stroke of four Bhagavan asked us whether we had understood the meaning of the silent teaching. Like waves on the infinite ocean of bliss, we fell at Bhagavan’s feet.

T. K. Sundaresa Iyer
Ramana Smrti Souvenir

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

J Klein-your true nature transcends it ( Mind)

"Observe the way your mind moves, works, without having any preconceived ideas about it.
A moment will come when you discover yourself to be the witness.
Subsequently, when all striving has left you, you will realize that you are the light shining beyond the observer. Reality is neither a product of the mind nor the result of a whole train of thoughts, it just is.

The only method we can suggest is to observe impartially the way in which your mind reacts in the different circumstances of everyday life."

"Do not nourish the ideas you have built around yourself nor the image people have of you. Be neither someone nor something, just don't play the game. This will bring about being, constant awareness.”

''The very instant thoughts and feelings arise you have not the slightest notion of being a person, the ego is totally absent. The ego itself is no more than a thought and two thoughts cannot take form simultaneously.
Identification with the ego only comes into being once the thought concerning the object has subsided. Then it claims this thought as its own.
Once this becomes obvious, you realize that the servitude (to the mind) you previously took to be real is but an illusion, your true nature transcends it."

"The very instant thoughts and feelings arise you have not the slightest notion of being a person, the ego is totally absent. The ego itself is no more than a thought and two thoughts cannot take form simultaneously. Identification with the ego only comes into being once the thought concerning the object has sbusided. Then it claims this thought as its own. Once this becomes obvious, you realise that the servitude you previously took to be real is but an illusion, your true nature transcends it.

Be As You Are: Ramana Mharshi, Quotes

"'I exist' is the only permanent self-evident experience of everyone. Nothing else is so self-evident as 'I am'. What people call self-evident, that is, the experience they get through the senses, is far from self-evident. The Self alone is that. So to do self-enquiry and be that 'I am' is the only thing to do. 'I am' is reality. I am this or that in unreal. 'I am' is truth, another name for Self."

"The mind is nothing other than the 'I'-thought. The mind and the egoare one and the same. The other mental faculties such as the intellect and memory are only this. Mind [manas], intellect [buddhi], the storehouse of mental tendencies [chittam], and ego [ahamkara]; all these are only the mind itself."